Various rules and guidelines school has for students and recommendaitons for parents please explore the sections mentioned below. kindly click on the heading to expand the content.

School Discipline Rules
  • Students should reach the school before its commencement. Late comers will not be allowed to attend their classes.
  • All students should be clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all working days.
  • The students are not allowed to bring any type of mobile/e-gadgets to school.
  • No books, magazines, or literature, other than those used in the class or issued from the school library, may be brought to school.
  • Running, playing and shouting inside the school building is strictly prohibited.Students are expected to move in the corridors and stairs in a disciplined manner. They will walk in a line in perfect silence at all times.
  • Students must keep their class rooms and the school premises clean.
  • Students must use decent language and be courteous to everyone in the school. Students who use offensive language, bully & hurt other students or cause damage to school property are liable to be penalized.
  • Having entered once in the school, students will not be allowed to go out of the school campus without principal’s permission.
  • Students must bring their Tiffin box, handkerchief and water bottle.
  • Students should remain within the school campus during school hours and not venture out on any pretext. Adequate snacks and stationery should be brought.
  • Students should not have parties in their classrooms or on the school premises. All tests and evaluations are compulsory and exemption from evaluations will not be considered unless on medical grounds supported with evidence.
  • SCHOOL FEES: School Fees are payable until 10th of each month. If parents fail to pay fees before the last date, a late fine of Rs.150/- will be charged for every month thereafter.
  • Parents who wish to pay the fees in one installment are welcome to do so.
  • Students will not be permitted to appear for any exam unless fee is paid .
  • Bus facility is available on fixed routes with designated stops.
  • Parents are expected to be at the stop10 minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus.
  • Students are permitted to use only their designated bus and bus stop. No change will be allowed without written permission of the authorized person.
  • Bus will leave the stop at the designated time. In case a child misses the bus, parents are requested to drop the child to school.
  • Students are expected to remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students are expected to maintain silence and behave in a decorous manner at alltimes.
  • The attendant is responsible for maintaining discipline. Any misbehavior or indiscipline must be reported in writing to the Principal.
  • Any case of negligence by the bus driver or attendant should be brought to the notice of the transport incharge.
  • In case of an emergency and the child has to leave school before school hours the procedure to be followed :-
    • Written request by the parents.
    • Permission slip obtained from the office and signed by the authorities to be shown at the gate.
    • School leaving register to be signed by the parents.
  • Books are issued to the students on recommendation of the class teacher.
  • Books may be retained for a period not exceeding 7 days.
  • A fine of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged for such volumes kept over time.
  • Books may be renewed on request at the discretion of the librarian/class-teacher.
  • Books spoiled damaged or disfigured in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrower within a month without fail alongwith the fine.
  • Uniform needs to be well maintained and clean.
  • Boys will maintain short hair and girls will use hair band in case of short hair and 2 plaits with navy blue ribbons in case of long hair. Girls should ensure that hair should not fall on the forehead.girls must keep their hair tied.
  • Students not wearing complete uniform will be considered defaulters. In case of genuine problems parents are expected to send a written note in the diary.
  • Wearing watches is not permitted.
  • Wearing expensive/valuable ornaments is not allowed.
  • Nails must be kept trim and short by both boys and girls. Girls should not apply mehandi or nail polish.
  • Hair should be oiled and combed neatly. Girls should not use any fancy clips.