
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Public High School is promoted under the aegis of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Charitable and Educational Society founded on 19 April , 2005 . The society is regd. under society act 1860, vide no 1590 and also regd. with planning commission of India.

S.B.S.Public School is situated in Bela on Bela Behrampur Road. It is surrounded by lush green environment.

The school started in 2005 with just 35 students on its rolls up to 5 th standard. Despite its extremely modest beginning, the school has provided high academic standard and excellence in various co-curricular activities.

The school is affiliated to the PSEB , Mohali. It got affiliation in 2011.the first batch of Matriculation examinations was sent in 2012-13 which brought first division to all 14 students who appeared in the examination.

Our Aims


education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


Our Mission is to Provide each student a diverse Education in a Safe, Supportive Environment that Promotes Self Discipline, Motivation and excellence in Learning also our aims for imparting opportunities for Mental, Spiritual, Academic and Physical Development of the Students.

Principal’s message

We hold the responsibility of uniqueness in every child. We aim enhancing the higher standard of excellence . The teaching learning process is friendly and child centered. The school provides quality education to the students using the latest and best methods of education . Each student of SBS Public School receives special attention by teachers. Our school culture is focused on value education and character building. We have high expectations from all students in moral, academic and social field.

The students acquire a level of proficiency in cognitive affectiveand psychomotor domains through various well blended curricular and co-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to be humble in their interactions and sensitive towards environment and society. Yoga classes are organized every week to make students physically fit and mentally strong. All national festivals are celebrated to develop the feeling of patriotism among the students. Students celebrate 23 march and 28 September every year to tribute Shaheed Bhagat Singh ,the great son of mother India.

Our Teachers are highly educated and dedicated to their duties. They lead the students as Guide, friend ,mentor and counselor. The school gives 100% result every year. Many students are actively participating and leading the school in district and state level. It shows that we are leading towards our goals. We still have a long journey ahead. We want to establish a society where people believe in hard work , aware about their surrounding and have pride for their country rich heritage and culture.


Director’s Message

students are the future of the nation and we promise for progressive nation

Education leads us to the path of success . It gives wings to our thoughts to soar high in the sky. Education is not mere accumulation of facts, it is a long process of personality development , It fills in us the sense of responsibility , scientific attitude and social moral values. wcIt guides us how to lead a life with contentment and happiness.

Students have abundance of energy. It needs to be moulded in right direction. For this purpose, the school offers a variety of learning opportunity though speeches, debates, cultural activities, co-curricular activities, sport and games , Olympiads and participate in other competition conducted by PSEB.

The school provides quality education in the rural area at comparatively low cost. The school gives special attention on education of girls and poor students. Concession is provided in siblings cases.

Every child has a uniqueness .school organizes activities for their personality development and character building. Each student is given individual attention and care by the teachers. The school has smart classes, modern computer laboratory with internet, well equipped science laboratory and library . House activities , club activity, science exhibition are conducted to develop social values, scientific attitude among students.

Sandeep saini
